Nov 2019#Cryptocurrency#Exchanges

Crypto exchanges in media headlines:most popular platforms and resources

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We have analyzed the headlines of 2,500 media outlets to see which exchanges are forming the cryptographic industry news agenda and in which countries the specialized media market is the most well-developed.

The findings of the study show that users from the United States (24%) and Russia (17%) are the ones most actively monitoring the news for the crypto market. Other leading positions are taken by Turkey, Germany, Japan, and Brazil.

An interesting fact is that we got the same results in our 2018 Cryptocurrency Exchange Marketing Analysis, except that at that time China was also among the top three. Perhaps, the sharp decline in crypto exchange news in this country was due to the fact that Chinese websites are now not as well indexed in Google as they were before.

In the study "Crypto exchanges in media headlines" we have analyzed both the highly specialized resources and the ones focused on finance and investment in general. In total, about 250 platforms have mentioned exchanges during the period from January to May 2019. The most popular ones were Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Huobi, and Bittrex accounting for 70 per cent of all mentionings.

Most frequently, the names of exchanges were found in the headlines of This is a cryptocurrency information platform for the Russian-speaking audience. 

You can get the list of 50 resources most frequently mentioning digital exchanges and learn more about the news geographical distribution by downloading the full version of our study report. It is available for free.


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