Sept 2021#Cases#Metaverse#SEO#SERM

How to raise search results from 0 to 15-40%depending on the region in 3 months

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Elena Chmyhankova

Consultant, Performance


Margarita Muravskaya

Manager, PR

Tatiana Galagutskaya



5 min

The BDC Consulting team has published multiple case studies on SEO optimization and monopolization of search results for projects. This time, our SERM specialists started with the zero frequency of the project for the selected GEO. We will discuss how we got positive results by region, what prevented us from making the results even better, how we changed the strategy in the middle of the sprint, coordinated it with the client, and what further steps in the SERM area are planned for the project.

Analyzing the reasons for the weak growth, we determined that each of the GEOs contained clothing and footwear brands, plumbing fixtures and others, sharing a name with the token. It was challenging to promote the product among large brands within the stipulated time frame. We immediately found out the reason for the drop in customer mentions from 14% to 8% - inappropriate results for users on the promoted request. People typing in a specific request want to see something other than a token. Due to refusals, the client's positions decreased, and all posted materials shifted by 2-3 search results pages and were fixed in their places.

Our specialists decided to add the word "token" to the name of the project as a hint to a relevant search and direct the main budget to cheat search suggestions in the format "name" + token. In the middle of the sprint, we changed the work plan as agreed with the client.

Analysis of the reasons for changing KPIs and sprint tasks

We studied the results of the first stage in the following directions:

  1. The company name is not a relevant request for a token. Behavioral factors highly influence search engines. When new products and services appear, they put them in the top 10 search results to see if such answers will be helpful to users or not. If several people enter a request for the token's name and get to the crypto project page, and they are interested in shoes for the summer season, then they will not spend two seconds on the site - they will immediately close the tab. Because of this, the bounce rate of the resources we promote will increase, and search engines will lower rankings in the search results.
  2. Lack of language versions on the site for Germany (German) and Brazil (Portuguese). The search results for all regions contain the company's main website, but it was absent in the German and Portuguese search results since there were no language versions. There were also no publications in the local media. It is because of this that the client's site failed to appear for the specified GEOs.
  3. Personalized issue. Personified results in search engines characterize all users on the Internet. This means that, for example, a trader will be shown materials on the project token at the request of the company name, even though the independent issue is filled with online stores with the same name products. And for a mom on maternity leave, search engines will offer more results with diapers and wet wipes of the same name.
  4. A large number of large brands and product names of the same name. It is always difficult for newcomers to the market to compete with the leaders. Prominent players are more likely to be at the top of the search results since they have been operating for several years, and their brands have already received wide publicity among the population of a specific region.

Stage two: SEO to monopolize product listing with token hints

As a result of the analysis, we intensified our activity on optimization and promotion of tips in Yandex and Google search results:

  • In 8 out of 10 monitored regions, the hints we need are highlighted for the query "name" + token (coin, cryptocurrency).
  • The number of clicks on the "token" prompt increased from 0% to 23% in relation to the frequency of requests from the start of work. This means that users go directly to the relevant search results for their requests and interests.
  • Thanks to our work on optimizing the title (headers) of pages on the client's website, they began to be displayed for the request selected for promotion in the search results of all monitored regions, the language versions of which are presented on the site.
  • We started recording data on the visibility of a project in the top 20 for the query "name + token." By the end of the work, this figure reached 98%.

In February 2021, the site was not in the top 20 at all. We have begun active work on posting articles mentioning the name of the token for various GEOs. In two months, 21 articles were published and 32 articles for the entire period.


  1. It took us three months after changing the promotion strategy to achieve the client's presence in the top results:
  2. At the request "company name" + token, we received 98% positive results for all selected regions; the work can be considered successful.
  3. We recommended the client add two language versions to the site in Portuguese and German to get to the top for the regions of Brazil and Germany.
  4. Removed from updates of search results in the region of Kazakhstan, which does not give any results - there is no frequency and user demand.
  5. We created project pages in social networks and prepared articles for Wikipedia.

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Initial task and the first stage

In this case, a blockchain startup with its token became a client of BDC Consulting. The team was tasked to get the client mentioned in 50% of the top-10 of the issuance for the given GEO on the request "token name" within five months.

We started from scratch, and there was no positive trend for about two months. A steady increase in the number of customer references for the request "token name" began from the third month. The maximum value that we achieved was 14%, but after two weeks, it dropped to 8% of the 50% approved by the client and remained stable until the end of the work.

Analyzing the reasons for the weak growth, we determined that each of the GEOs contained clothing and footwear brands, plumbing fixtures and others, sharing a name with the token. It was challenging to promote the product among large brands within the stipulated time frame. We immediately found out the reason for the drop in customer mentions from 14% to 8% - inappropriate results for users on the promoted request. People typing in a specific request want to see something other than a token. Due to refusals, the client's positions decreased, and all posted materials shifted by 2-3 search results pages and were fixed in their places.

Our specialists decided to add the word "token" to the name of the project as a hint to a relevant search and direct the main budget to cheat search suggestions in the format "name" + token. In the middle of the sprint, we changed the work plan as agreed with the client.

Analysis of the reasons for changing KPIs and sprint tasks

We studied the results of the first stage in the following directions:

  1. The company name is not a relevant request for a token. Behavioral factors highly influence search engines. When new products and services appear, they put them in the top 10 search results to see if such answers will be helpful to users or not. If several people enter a request for the token's name and get to the crypto project page, and they are interested in shoes for the summer season, then they will not spend two seconds on the site - they will immediately close the tab. Because of this, the bounce rate of the resources we promote will increase, and search engines will lower rankings in the search results.
  2. Lack of language versions on the site for Germany (German) and Brazil (Portuguese). The search results for all regions contain the company's main website, but it was absent in the German and Portuguese search results since there were no language versions. There were also no publications in the local media. It is because of this that the client's site failed to appear for the specified GEOs.
  3. Personalized issue. Personified results in search engines characterize all users on the Internet. This means that, for example, a trader will be shown materials on the project token at the request of the company name, even though the independent issue is filled with online stores with the same name products. And for a mom on maternity leave, search engines will offer more results with diapers and wet wipes of the same name.
  4. A large number of large brands and product names of the same name. It is always difficult for newcomers to the market to compete with the leaders. Prominent players are more likely to be at the top of the search results since they have been operating for several years, and their brands have already received wide publicity among the population of a specific region.

Stage two: SEO to monopolize product listing with token hints

As a result of the analysis, we intensified our activity on optimization and promotion of tips in Yandex and Google search results:

  • In 8 out of 10 monitored regions, the hints we need are highlighted for the query "name" + token (coin, cryptocurrency).
  • The number of clicks on the "token" prompt increased from 0% to 23% in relation to the frequency of requests from the start of work. This means that users go directly to the relevant search results for their requests and interests.
  • Thanks to our work on optimizing the title (headers) of pages on the client's website, they began to be displayed for the request selected for promotion in the search results of all monitored regions, the language versions of which are presented on the site.
  • We started recording data on the visibility of a project in the top 20 for the query "name + token." By the end of the work, this figure reached 98%.

In February 2021, the site was not in the top 20 at all. We have begun active work on posting articles mentioning the name of the token for various GEOs. In two months, 21 articles were published and 32 articles for the entire period.


  1. It took us three months after changing the promotion strategy to achieve the client's presence in the top results:
  2. At the request "company name" + token, we received 98% positive results for all selected regions; the work can be considered successful.
  3. We recommended the client add two language versions to the site in Portuguese and German to get to the top for the regions of Brazil and Germany.
  4. Removed from updates of search results in the region of Kazakhstan, which does not give any results - there is no frequency and user demand.
  5. We created project pages in social networks and prepared articles for Wikipedia.

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