May 2022#PR#Cases#Creative#B2B

Creative for HR brand: 25 million reach and 1500+ job postings

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Elena Chmyhankova

Consultant, Performance


3 min

How to attract attention to the company, increase brand awareness and hire the best employees for open positions. In the BDC Consulting case, thanks to creativity born from work processes, the company was able to achieve 25 million coverage, upgrade its brand and achieve more than 1500+ job applications, 200 of which were targeted.


One of the problems of companies growing at a rapid pace is the insufficient pace of filling vacancies with new employees. The BDC Consulting team was tasked with dealing with this problem as efficiently as possible.

How did we deal with it?


New ideas at BDC Consulting, as a rule, are generated from the brainstorming of working groups. However, in this case, the customer and the performer were the same person, so the creative was born from the workflow.

Step 1. Creative generation

BDC Consulting is a young and energetic team, with a large number of successful cases, and also … CEO Ales Kovalevich, who is confident that he has an amazing sense of humor. However, the team can’t always react when he jokes in general chats and meetings, especially if it happens in the early morning, before the first cup of coffee. It was the lack of reaction to the CEO's humor that led to the creative idea - to post an unusual vacancy

Step 2. Opening a unique job

The position of assistant general director for jokes was opened. The “duties” of the hired employee included:

  • Follow the CEO's jokes in corporate chats and promptly respond to them;
  • Laugh out loud in response to jokes during events;
  • Express enthusiasm for and approve of the CEO's initiatives, regardless of their quality.

The audience on the platform where the job was posted received the set of required responsibilities positively. As a result of the surprise effect, this job posting received 50,000 organic views. The number of responses to it exceeded 800 and continues to increase.

Smart PR

The story with the vacancy was offered to loyal journalists from big media. After the first publications, the story gained a viral effect.

Step 1. Publication in major industry media

Startup and technology media, such as and, were very interested in the story, which was able to capture the attention of readers.

Step 2. Stories about the vacancy on several TV channels

Creative content is well received by the audience of TV channels, so they are extremely interested in such stories. The vacancy was mentioned, in particular, on (website of the Moscow24 TV channel) and on

Step 3. Publication in telegram chats for job search

Such content fits very organically into Telegram chats dedicated to vacancies and job searches. The position was posted on a number of major job search channels, increasing the viral effect.

Insight: A good result of the virality of the newsbreak is the creativity of TikTok users: about 20 references to the story were found.




As a result of generating creative content and placing it in specialized media and Telegram chats:

  • Media coverage was 25+ million
  • Responses to a creative vacancy: 1300
  • Responses to targeted vacancies: about 200
  • The pace of hiring has caught up with the growth rate of the company

Conclusions and insights

  • Creativity is half the success, the other half is thoughtful preparation.
  • Catchy creative goes through big media, reaching the target audience outside of its main channels of habitat.
  • Creative PR that has reached the viral level allows you to get the cheapest CPM from a global audience.

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