Sept 2021#Opinion

Imparting PR Education With Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

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As we transcend towards massive technical domination, advanced features such as IoT and blockchain have landscaped the functioning of businesses. Blockchain has served as a suitable solution to a plethora of business-oriented issues. Moreover, the pairing of cryptocurrency with blockchain features holds the potential to further shift the business world and its operations. Since this technological incorporation is at its embryonic stage, various consultancies around the world are educating people on leveraging its beneficial aspects and helping them generate maximum business leads.

Acclaimed as a leading agency in Eastern Europe, BDC Consulting has massive popularity in the industry of cryptocurrency and blockchain solutions. BDC’s main contribution to the industry is the obligation to work with hyped in-demand solutions, while targeting at projects with teams holding profuse expertise in the fintech or crypto market. Moreover, BDC also aims at the exclusion of scam projects. With its growth and marketing strategy, the agency has helped its partners generate over millions of targeted leads.

Distinguished Marketing Solutions

BDC Consulting offers comprehensive marketing solutions and chains—aimed at the sole business needs of every client. It highly customizes its solutions according to the company’s latest market position, its background and growth rate.

BDC’s solution packages vary in terms of content in accordance with the product with which the agency is currently working. This includes B2B or B2C focus of the product, a startup with MVP or the one with an MVP but recently started by a person with high credibility. When the project is in its scaling stage, the agency proposes specific GEOs where it may find the most growth potential and the real use cases.

Result-Oriented Goals

Currently, the team of BDC Consulting comprises of more than 40 members. It has built straightaway mechanisms of communication including the agency’s project managers, team leads—with each team of the separate project. Moreover, the agency also maintains records of its clients and inner projects with KPI in simple yet standardized templates before every sprint for the whole team and every member separately.

BDC’s primary goal is the development of business-processes with a simultaneously growing company. During the last quarter, the company expanded three times in terms of its staff—including 40+ members. Moreover, it also attained growth while the whole market was experiencing downtrend. Additionally, BDC is looking for the creation of an educational ecosystem within its company.

Intact Client Appraisals

BDC Consulting ensures maximum client satisfaction by fulfilling the client requirements through personalized offers. Methods and media which has been successful for one client might not work for another. Hence, the agency is constantly trying incorporate in-depth analyzation of the challenges along with the issues of the target audience to develop individual promotion strategy.

Centralizing on proactiveness, BDC offers development ideas before its clients are able to access or generate them. Besides working with planned tasks and issues, the agency always ensures to stay one step ahead by aiming to surpass client’s expectations.

To maintain intact client appraisals, BDC is constantly measuring the NPS—which in the last 3 years haven’t been less than 9.3.

Adhering to Changes

Subsequent to the aftermath of the global pandemic, the past few months have induced tremendous challenges within the PR industry. Transition to remote working and lack of personal contacts resulted in people deriving information via indirect communication channels rather than from friends or colleagues. However, the indirect sources of information were partly generated by PR industry workers.

Being within the spotlight of the information field is a daunting task to achieve. Previously, the acclaimed success components of PR industry workers were determined through interesting press events and a suitable journalist. Currently, the fiasco has changed with the addition of another element—a unique presentation.

Adhering to the factors generating within the ever-evolving landscape of PR industry, BDC constantly follow and supports the latest trends in order to be on the forefront. The agency aims for fascinating ways of presentation of the materials. For instance, BDC carefully scrutinizes every process while conducting research. These include working on the graphical elements to make them vivid and understandable for the target audience. Moreover, the agency pitches its materials to relevant journalists which help it with distribution of its content amongst a large number of people.

Tapping Success and Strategies for Future

There are several factors which determine the success of a PR agency within the industry. PR exhibits empathy towards its customers. Although the primary goal was money-centric, the current values of the customers including supportive messages, empathy and important social issues have become the foremost priority. Secondly, a successful PR firm/agency understands the real value of influencers in terms of work with the target audience. Celebrities with massive following are losing to influencers with niche areas because of their expertise and the trust within the target audience.

Most importantly, features such as niche along with local PR campaigns work much effectively in comparison to high-scale multinational ones which include millions of potential customers. It is reasonable to segregate target audience into small pieces and work on behalf of their needs and requirements, instead of instituting one general campaign for all of them.

Measuring the success elements and relevant determining factors, BDC Consulting aims at tapping success within the industry. The agency aims at establishing its position as the McKinsey of the crypto industry. Moreover, it targets at offering the market with full-scale consulting services which includes marketing, marketing research, estimation of investment appeal. With the goal of providing expertise in the field of digital assets and their management, BDC envisions to become one of the key providers of digital assets clarity.

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