Jan 2022#Company Life

More than 800 responses to the vacancy:BDC Consulting continues looking for the candidate of CEO Joke Assistant

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Elena Chmyhankova

Consultant, Performance


2 min

BDC Consulting is a leader in blockchain consulting in CIS. The company works with leading crypto startups, has 60+ successful marketing campaigns in its portfolio, its own market research department, and also has…

...and also the CEO, who firmly believes that he has a terrific sense of humor. However, not all members of the team are reacting when he makes a joke in general chats and at meetings.

One might think, well, they do not laugh, so what? But the CEO is getting extremely concerned. Meanwhile, the corporate culture and mindset are affected, and so is the work performance.

Given these circumstances, BDC Consulting launched a unique position at the beginning of the year: CEO assistant for jokes. The vacancy was viewed about 50,000 times, and the number of responses exceeded 800.

Screenshot of the number of responses to the vacancy from hh.ru job portal

The vacancy has already been talked about on Moskva 24 and written about in Telegram channels.

And the TikTokers believe that this is the perfect job on the market in terms of their talents.

Promising candidates are still sending audio recordings with their laughs, but the company's HR department will not stop looking for a killer candidate. We would like to remind you that the job will be officially called "Innovations manager," and no one ( and especially the CEO) should guess about the true function of the future employee. Namely, the functions are as follows:

  • Monitor CEO's jokes in corporate chats on Telegram and Slack and respond to them with rapid-fire emoticons;
  • Laugh out loud in response to the CEO's jokes during calls and other events;
  • Endorse other creative initiatives of the CEO, regardless of their quality with great enthusiasm;
  • Recruit other employees to join the party of CEO humour loyalists.


  1. A tinkling and gushing laugh (please attach an audio recording of the laughter to your CV);
  2. Inexhaustible patience;
  3. Ability to maintain a convo about cryptocurrencies and the way they will change the world (the company is engaged in blockchain-consulting after all);
  4. Experience in KVN or stand-up shows will be an advantage;
  5. Willingness to sign an NDA - a non-disclosure agreement about the employee's true role in the company.

Follow this link to learn more about this absolutely fundamental position, and to submit your CV.

Here you can find information about how much a Russian CEO joke assistant earns on average.

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