July 2019#Company Life

The blockchain trendsand McAfee's weight

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Paul Moukhin

Partner, CBDO


2 min

The Blockchain Cruise 2019 was a conference held aboard the world's largest ship Oasis of the Seas. More than 1000 guests and 70 star speakers attended, and multi-million dollar contracts were signed.

But a family event can’t just be about speeches and lectures! It was indeed an opportunity to communicate with blockchain celebrities in an informal setting, and that's exactly what specialists from BDC Consulting agency did.

What are future blockchain trends?

We asked the industry players about what will make the crypto market grow in the near future. Lev Leiman, the co-founder of the Art of Blockchain project, believes these to be performances: "Right now, I see absolutely no creativity with the crypto industry media content. As soon as the media companies enter the market and come up with Cirque du Soleil crypto-style, it will be just awesome".

Let us remind you that earlier at the Conference in 2017, Lev Lehmann refused to sell a cryptocurrency "Mona Lisa" painting autographed by Vitalik Buterin for $6 million. The masterpiece was created by the Art of Blockchain team.

David Beck of RISE, a German FinTech Company, believes that tokens are the stocks of the future. They will also pay dividends.

Brock Pierce, the famous Bitcoin millionaire, was playing a man of few words. He said that he only believed in things that would benefit everyone. Trader and consultant, Tone Vays, predicted that Bitcoin would rise and all the other cryptocurrencies would start falling. Meanwhile, people will finally understand the meaning of Liquid sidechain and will be running ICOs and STOs on Bitcoin, not on Ethereum.

As it turned out, Tone Vays is not the only one who believes in the rapid growth of the world's first cryptocurrency. Here are the forecasts made by other participants of the Blockchain cruise:

Looks like Tone Vays believes that McAfee's weight isn't measured in kilograms, but in bitcoins. Well, anything is possible, but we would still want to hear the right answer from John himself!

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