The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it. It isn’t something you await, but rather create.
Any business with access to insider information boasts an undeniable advantage. As a consulting company, we strive to fully understand the perspectives, priorities, and logic of decision-makers
Keeping the community engaged when the project cannot launch on time.
Can token sale be increased, for example, to $8 million from scratch just by building a vibrant community for English, Spanish, Turkish, and Chinese-speaking users?
We will discuss how we got positive results by region, what prevented us from making the results even better, how we changed the strategy in the middle of the sprint
How to become a project manager in the blockchain industry – and what problems you need to be prepared for
How to stimulate token sales and build a reputable 25k user community with the complete anonymity of the parent company?
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